
Advanced Vision Technology is a UK registered business located in Marlow, Buckinghamshire. The company was established in 1997 by
two university
graduates with a passion for electronics and digital imagery.
Since then it has grown and made its headquarters in
Marlow, Buckinghamshire.

Advanced Vision Technology Limited is a British company and leaders in
high performance imaging solutions.Specialist areas include design solutions for military
applications, video smoke and fire detection industry.

From video walls, radar displays to the latest embedded FPGA and DSP projects
allowed our knowledge to grow exponentially allowing us to deliver the solution
toughest of problems.

AVT offers a full design and programming service, for intelligent
displays, advanced
video processing, sensing and control solutions. We work closely
with customers to
develop, prototype and test their products or systems, and
offer a complete production
service if required.

Developing solutions using the latest embedded FPGA and
DSP projects has given the knowledge and experience to solve some of
the most demanding of
problems. These have included designing custom display and
control solutions
for diverse and challenging environments, where clear, reliable,
real-time information
is critical for making the right

Our knowledge and skills, combined with cutting edge research and technology,
enable us create innovative solutions for difficult and demanding problems. |
